“Your Assignment in God’s Mighty Work” (Acts 28:11-31)
1. Encouraging a weary servant (vs. 11-15)
a) Paul’s travels from Malta to Rome are recorded with Luke’s eyewitness details.
b) The group traveled along the famous Appian Way to Rome. At two halting stations along the way: Market of
Appius (43 miles from Rome) & Three Inns (33 miles) Christians came to welcome him. This caused Paul to
thank God & take courage.
c) One assignment is to encourage a weary, discouraged brother/sister with your presence & words.
2. Reaching out to Jewish leaders (vs. 16-22)
a) Paul was allowed to find his own accommodations, where he stayed with Roman guards taking turns chained to
him (lenient custody): He was not a threat & his behavior on the journey left favorable impressions. Paul went to
the Jew first. He did not know what the Jewish community knew of his case. His quickly called together the
leading men of the Jews (likely synagogue leaders).
b) He summarized why he was there: he had done nothing against his people or the customs of their fathers; he was
delivered (by Jewish initiative) as a prisoner from Jerusalem to the Romans; the Romans concluded he was
innocent; the Jews objected so he was forced to appeal to Caesar; he had no accusation against his nation.
c) Paul got to the heart of the matter- he was chained “for the sake of the hope of Israel.” God’s promises were
fulfilled with the coming of their Messiah, Jesus. His death and resurrection provided the way of salvation from
sin to be part of God’s Kingdom over which Jesus will rule.
d) The Roman Jews declared they did not receive letters from Judea about him, nor did any messengers arrive with
a good or bad report. Paul’s journey to Rome was faster than they could have traveled, but the Jewish leaders
probably gave up on the case once Paul appealed to Caesar.
e) They wanted to hear what Paul had to say about Christianity/the Way which they called a sect. They knew it was
spoken against everywhere. In 49 AD Emperor Claudius expelled all Jews from Rome over unrest over a
“Chrestus” (probably Christ). They could return with Claudius death in 54 AD. Now around 61 AD, they were
hesitant to cause an uproar again, but they were open to hearing Paul present his beliefs.
3. Appealing to Jewish leaders (vs. 23-29)
a) Since Paul did not have the freedom to go to them, the Jewish leaders went to him in large numbers on a
designated day. Paul spent the whole day explaining Christianity to them. He solemnly testified about the
kingdom of God and tried to persuade/convince them that Jesus was the Messiah who came to establish the way
into God’s kingdom. He referred to the Law of Moses (Genesis-Deuteronomy) and the Prophets to convince
people. Make your appeals based on God’s Word.
b) Some were being persuaded. Others would not believe. The disagreement over Jesus as Messiah grew stronger.
c) Paul gave a parting warning from the prophet Isaiah (6:9-10). Like their forefathers, they were hearing but not
understanding, seeing but not perceiving & their hearts were becoming dull/unresponsive. This kept them from
turning to God & experiencing salvation healing. Because of this, the message of God’s salvation would go out to
the Gentiles, who were/would listen & believe. He would still share with Jews, but it was the Gentiles turn.
4. Continuing to share the Good News (vs. 30-31)
a) Paul stayed in his own rented quarters for the next two years (61-63 AD) confined to Roman guards but
preaching about the kingdom & God & teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ as the way into that kingdom.
He taught boldly/openly & unhindered.
b) He wrote Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon and Philippians & more visited him to learn about Christ, as he
waited to speak for Christ before Emperor Nero. Evidence points to his release & more ministry before being
arrested again & beheaded by Nero in 67 AD.
c) The spread of the Gospel is more important than a happy outcome. Fulfill your assignment in spreading the
Gospel as long as God gives it.
Your Assignment in God’s Mighty Work
Mark Frazee
Acts 28:11-31
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Study Outline