Was Jesus kidding? (Matthew 5:38-48)
These two sections deal with how to treat people who harm us. Warning: this teaching will likely cause you to question whether He was serious, and even the fairness of such commands.
1. Retaliation (vs. 38-42)
a) “an eye for an eye and a tooth/tooth”- Ex. 21:24, Lev. 24:20, Deut. 19:21 sounds like God’s permission to seek personal revenge. This was common understanding. However, these passages apply to civil law not personal revenge. They called for a guilty individual to receive exact justice as meted out by the law courts, but not in an excessive manner.
b) Jesus calls His disciples not to resist/withstand/oppose an evil person. Other verses teach there are times to oppose people (Gal. 2:11, James 4:7), and that government has this responsibility (Rom. 13:2-4). It seems Jesus had in mind with personal revenge. His 4 examples support this:
-“slaps/right cheek”- an insulting backhand slap. “turn/the other also”- not inviting abuse, but don’t retaliate with a slap or worse. Jesus self-controlled, dignified example shows this (26:67, John 18:22-23).
-“sue”- take you to court to take your shirt (inner garment worn next to skin). “give/coat also”- more valuable outer cloak with which was protected by the Law (Ex. 22:26-27)
-“forces you/one mile”- Roman soldiers could compel into service someone to carry their pack 1,000 steps (27:32). The Jews despised such treatment. “go/two”- you would stand out
-“give to those who ask/do not turn away those who want to borrow”- such a deed is qualified by what is truly loving for the individual (Prov. 11:15, 2 Thes. 3:10), but be generous with your giving & sharing.
c) Jesus moved our drive for just revenge & retaliation to patiently enduring & generous giving, serving & sharing. This is totally contrary to our sinful human nature & requires much grace from God to obey.
2. Hating your enemies (vs. 43-48)
a) “love your neighbor”- Lev. 19:18, “hate your enemy”- not commanded in the OT, but inferred from passages like Deut. 23:3-6, 7:1-6- God’s judgment on the depraved). Ex. 23:4-5, Prov. 25:21-22 show a love for enemy.
b) Jesus commanded His followers to love continually their enemies. We are to seek their highest good. One practical expression of this to pray continually for those who persecute us. This should not just be a pray for God’s vengeance on them (Romans 12:19), but to ask for their repentance & salvation. May their taste of God’s undeserved kindness directly & indirectly through you lead to a changed heart.
c) Reasoning:
-such actions/reactions give convincing proof that we are sons & daughters of our Heavenly Father. Demonstrating love rather than hate shows we are developing the character of our Father. With His common grace, He causes the sun to rise on evil as well as good people & sends needed rain on the righteous & unrighteous. Many of these people continue to presume on such daily goodness, but He still share it.
-Our actions should be better than un-believers: despised, dishonest tax-collectors love those who love them. There is no reward for treating others kindly because they treat you kindly. Ignorant Gentiles warmly greet those who are close to them & welcoming to them (brothers). When you go out of your way to give a hearty greeting to someone cold to or avoiding you that stands out.
d) The Goal: perfection. This verse concludes this paragraph but also the intent of the Law from this section begun in verse 17. God is perfect in an absolute sense with His character & dealings with others. He wants His sons & daughters to mature & develop His character & consistent loving actions toward others. We should live like our kingdom is not of this world.
Was Jesus Kidding?
Mark Frazee
Matthew 5:38-48
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