“Portraits of the Church: a Temple”
1. It has a solid foundation & holy Presence (Ephesians 2:20-22)
a) One nation: Gentiles do not have to feel as 2nd class members of God’s society as strangers or aliens.
We possess full citizenship with Jewish believers in Christ.
b) One family: “members of the household/God”- more intimate concept
c) One temple: (Ephesian’s were proud of Artemis’s temple) The Father, Son & Holy Spirit are all
prominent in this temple. Christ Jesus was the key massive corner stone, which ties together 2 walls
(Jew & Gentile), upon which everything else finds its place. The NT apostles & prophets & their
inspired writings is the foundation for God’s temple. The stones of this holy temple (?a??- inner
sanctuary) are people who believe in Christ. Each one is joined closely together with others (as stones
in a temple). By the Spirit, God dwells in this community (I Cor. 3:16, as well as within each believer,
I Cor. 6:19). This special dwelling place of God keeps growing as more come to Christ.
d) This image conveys security because we have a solid foundation; belonging because we are closely
joined with other believers; significance because we have been placed where God wants us; and
sacredness/holiness because of the Presence of God, the Holy Spirit.
2. It is living, growing & active (I Peter 2:4-5)
a) “coming to/drawing near” present continuous (Heb. 4:16,7:25,10:1,22,11:6). “Living stone”- (1:3-
hope, 1:23- Word). Since stones are dead, it is a vivid contrast.
b) “has been rejected by men”- the Sanhedrin (Matt 21:42-43, Acts 4:11), but choice/excellent/
best of its kind & precious/honored/prized/valuable in God’s sight.
c) “you also”- After being united with Him by faith, you also become a living stone. God is building up
His spiritual house/temple with each new living stone (Matt. 16:18- death cannot stop it).
d) “holy priesthood”- the temple imagery remains, but now living stones are priests offering spiritual
sacrifices to God. In Israel only the tribe of Levi, was the priestly tribe with one branch of Levi, Aaron,
fulfilling the role as priests. Now every Christian takes on this role with direct access into God’s
e) “spiritual sacrifices”- no longer animals but ourselves (Romans 12:1), people led to Christ (Romans
15:16), life given in service (Phil. 2:17), financial support (Phil. 4:18), sacrifice of praise, giving
thanks, doing good and sharing (Hebrews 13:15-16). “to God”, “through Jesus Christ”- His merits as
our High Priest.
f) The coveys privilege since we are part of the living, expanding temple of people, which God is
building. It also convey purpose since every Christian has the same direct access to God to bring
sacrifices of praise & service.
3. It has the unique role of upholding the truth (I Timothy 3:15)
a) This verse begins by stating we should live in a way that reflects we are part of the household/ family
of God. The church is distinct among other gatherings as the assembly of the living God.
b) “the pillar and support of the truth”- temples/buildings had many pillars & buttress/supporting
structures to hold the building together & keep the roof on. The church has the role of holding God’s
truth in its proper place. We are to keep it secure against the shaky influence of false teachers; uphold
it as an attraction for non-believers, and regularly return to it as believer to be build up in it.
c) John MacArthur appropriately says we uphold the truth by believing, memorizing, meditating,
studying, obeying, defending, living and proclaiming it.
d) This coveys our responsibility.
A Temple
Mark Frazee
Ephesians 2:20-22; I Peter 2:4-5; I Timothy 3:15
Study Outline