1. God initiated with Abraham (vs. 1-8)
a) After 13 years of silence, the LORD appeared to Abram declaring He is “God Almighty” (One able to
fulfill His great promises). NBC “Suzerainty treaties thus began with the titles of the great king.”
b) He charged Abram to walk before Him and be blameless/have integrity/be wholly God’s (5:22,24,6:9)
c) God established a covenant already made with Abram (15:18) in which He will multiply him
exceedingly (12:1-3,15:5). Abram fell on his face (reverence & worship). God elaborated on this
multiplication: “you will be the father of a multitude of nations.”
d) God changed his name from Abram (“exalted father”) to Abraham (“father of a multitude”). This
indicated God taking ownership & what Abram would become. Nations & kings would come forth
from this man of faith. This is more than Israel (Romans 4:17-18).
e) This covenant was an everlasting covenant between God & Abraham and his descendants. God
promised the land of Canaan to them for an everlasting possession.
f) Most significantly He added, “I will be their God.”
2. God called Abraham & his descendant’s to respond (vs. 9-14)
a) Abraham/Israel’s response to this covenant was to circumcise every male. Circumcision was practiced
in other countries then (Egypt, Canaanites, Arabs…for hygiene or passage into adulthood), but not as a
sign of the covenant relationship they had with their God. Male babies were to be circumcised at 8
days old & it this included foreign servants. V14 “uncircumcised male/cut off”- either by the
community or pre-mature death as an act of God.
b) Some suggest a symbolic link with the male sex organ as a source of life & the curses that would come
for those who break the covenant OR breaking from old sinful ways to a total reliance on God to bless.
The physical act was empty without the spiritual reality it was supposed to represent (Deut. 10:16, Jer.
4:4, Rom. 2:28-29, Col. 2:11). One needs a circumcision of the heart where sin’s control is removed
and your entire being is devoted to God. This applies to baptism and other religious practices.
3. God’s initiated with Sarah (vs. 15-22)
a) God changed Sarai’s name to Sarah (K&D princely to princess): a barren woman would be a princess
from whom kings would come forth. God promised He would bless her (1:28, 12:2-3), and give her a
son from whom she would eventually be a mother of nations & kings.
b) Abraham fell on his face again (vs. 3). He laughed in his heart over bearing a son at 100 with a 90-
year-old wife. Such an experience was incredulous. He had accepted that Ishmael would be his heir.
He said to God, “Oh that Ishmael might live before You!” He expressed Ismael’s life would lead to the
many offspring, nations and kings.
c) God corrected Abraham. His wife, Sarah, would bear a son, whom they were to call Isaac (“laughter”).
God would establish His everlasting covenant with Abraham’s descendants through Isaac.
d) God “heard” Abraham’s prayer about “Ishmael” (wordplay), and declared He would bless & multiply
him as well and he would become the father of 12 princes (not kings/nations) and a great nation.
e) God repeated His covenant would be established with Isaac through Sarah & the Isaac would be born a
year from that point. God ended His appearance/conversation at that point.
4. Abraham Obeyed (vs. 23-27)
a) Although Abraham’s initial response was one of doubt, He believed God’ clear promise about Isaac
(Rom. 4:17-21).
b) His faith was shown in his obedience “the very same day” (2X). He was circumcised at 99, Ishmael at
13 (he could still enjoy the covenant blessings), and all the males in his household, including
c) We should respond to God in the same way. He has taken the initiative. We should fully trust His
promises and immediately obey with the response He calls for.
Responding To God’s Initiative
Mark Frazee
Genesis 17
Play Time
Study Outline