Kingdom Character (Part 2)

Mark Frazee
Matthew 5:7-12
Play Time
Study Outline

“Kingdom Character (Part 2)” (Matthew 5:7-12)
1. Merciful (vs. 7)
 a) “blessed”- 9X, “Happy”- only if linked with seeing things the way God does rather than our emotional 
     response to circumstances; being in a position under God’s favor & approval. One is in a condition to 
     enjoy God’s salvation under His rule. Each characteristic is opposite of who the world declares 
 b) Such people have experienced God’s mercy of forgiveness & help in their helpless & lowly spiritual 
     condition. They recognize they are poor in spirit & mourn over it. They are compassionate to others in 
     their pitiful, helpless & guilty condition. Such pity leads to action. Our world is selective in its call for 
     mercy, and often is merciless, indifferent or abusive.
 c) “shall receive mercy”- In this life, God & others are merciful to such individuals. However, this awaits 
     the full experience of God’s mercy when their redemption is completed.
2. Pure in heart (vs. 8)
 a) In a moral/spiritual sense this person has a pure/clean heart. The center of their inner being has no 
     impurities. Their thoughts, motives, speech and action spring from God’s holy love. Their response to 
     God & dealing with others is with total sincerity. All of us have much impurity in our hearts, and our 
     world treats this as acceptable.
 b) No one will arrive at this in this life, but those who are changing in this way, will see more of God 
     with their eyes of faith (2 Cor. 3:18). One day we will see Him in glory (I John 3:2-3, Rev. 22:4).
3. Peacemakers (vs. 9)
 a) God is the Ultimate peacemaker (Ephesians 2:14-18). This is not about appeasing or coldly tolerating, 
     but removing barriers between people and bringing about reconciliation. Such people go about 
     bringing people to God through His Son, and then restoring broken relationships among people. It is 
     costly & must be from a pure heart. This is carried out in a world of hostilities and barriers.
 b) “called sons of God”- such imitation of God, our Father, powerfully demonstrates that you indeed are 
     in His family.
4. Persecuted (vs. 10-12) v11-12 switches from 3rd to 2nd person plural to elaborate
 a) The reaction from the world when you are living as sons/daughters of God will be to hate you (John 
     15:18f, 2 Tim. 3:12). This is not a quality to pursue, but a consequence when others see the other 
     beatitudes forming in you. It goes with being His follower and we should not be surprised by it. Jesus 
     pronounced a blessing on those “Persecuted for the sake of righteousness” (vs. 10) = “because of Me” 
     (vs. 12). This evil treatment will be verbal & physical.
 b) “theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (vs. 10)- present tense as in verse 3. You are a citizen of His rule 
     right now and will be part of His rule on earth when He establishes His kingdom. He added further, 
     “Rejoice & be glad/rejoice greatly for your reward in heaven is great” just like the prophets of the Old 
     Testament were persecuted. 
 c) Future rewards should motivate present perspectives and reactions. The early church reacted this way 
     (Acts 5:41).
These are the qualities the Lord has in mind for those who make up His kingdom. They are counter-cultural and it will always seem that we are going against the strong current of our society. To the extent they are becoming true of us, it will be an effective invitation for others to transfer their citizenship from the kingdom of this world to Jesus’ kingdom.