“Pictures of the Church: A Healthy Body” (Romans 12:1-8)
1. Be totally dedicated (vs. 1-2)
a) “urge/by the mercies of God”- 9:30-32 & all the precedes. The non-believer sacrifices to obtain mercy, the believer because they have received mercy.
b) “to present your bodies”- Christians are priests & sacrifices. “bodies”- As complete as the animals body in a burnt offering- your whole self, bodies are the instrument of obedience (6:12,13). “living”- contrasted to dead animals, but also as one made alive in Christ; “holy”- separated by & for God; “acceptable/well-pleasing”- to God. “spiritual/rational service of worship”- the only appropriate response in view of His mercies OR spiritual over against outward & ceremonial.
c) This sacrifice involves a continuous process (vs. 2): “stop or do not be in the habit of being conformed to this world”. Don’t let this sinful world keep pouring you into its jello mold of values, thinking, acting & speaking. Instead, keep on being transformed by the renewing of your mind. Challenge & replace sinful ways of thinking with God’s thoughts. This will require regular review of God’s great mercies & immersion in Scripture along with steady community interaction. The result will be that we will be approving by testing (Osbourne – show & tell) that God’s will is good (not bad/evil), acceptable/well-pleasing (vs. 1, to Him & us as we grow), and perfect (reaching it goal, attaining its end/purpose).
2. Keep an accurate perspective (vs. 3)
a) Through the grace given to him as an apostle, he called believers to not have an inflated view of themselves (11:20,25 applied to everyone). Don’t have the attitude that you are above others.
b) On the other hand, he didn’t want them to sell themselves short. Have an realistic & accurate understanding of how God has gifted you & how you can be effective. “as God has allotted to each a measure of faith”- An objective reference to the Gospel which humbles & unifies OR God gives varying degrees of ability to be effective in service.
3. Recognize the harmonious nature of the body (vs. 4-5)
a) The church is likened to a human body. Diversity- “many members…do not have the same function”; Unity- “one body…one body in Christ”; Interconnectedness- “individually members one of another”
b) We should welcome the diversity, preserve the unity & recognize the interconnectedness.
4. Use your spiritual gift (vs. 6-8)
a) “gifts” (?a??sµata)- the emphasis is on God’s grace (vs. 3,6) s there is no basis for boasting/pride. They are grace enablement’s to serve that come from God. They are unique capacities given by God for service to build up Christ’s body.
b) Seven are listed (more are listed elsewhere). A maturing Christian could fulfill the function of all seven, but the point is to focus on using your gift.
c) “prophecy”- the ability to bring a timely, spontaneous message from God. “proportion/faith”- a math term used of proper proportions. As in v3 objectively consistent with the content of Biblical faith OR subjectively in proportion to the faith God has given you to declare His prompted message.
d) “service/serving”- a general term that can go with any ministry. Maybe in this context, a non-speaking ability that takes care of needs that arise & keeps things running smoothly.
c) teaches/teaching”- the ability to explain truth so people can understand & apply it.
d) “exhorts/exhortation”- this includes the wide range of admonishing, exhorting, urging (vs. 1), encouraging, comforting depending on the condition
e) “giving/liberality”- the capacity to give liberally to meet financial needs with pure motives. A/S “simplicity/sincerity as manifested in generous, unselfish giving”
f) “leads/diligence”- the ability to stand before others & lead with diligence/earnestness/zeal
g) “shows mercy/cheerfulness” (12:1) the ability to feel for others in their helpless condition and do something to bring help & relief with cheerfulness.
h) This body & each member will thrive if everyone maximizes the proper use of their gift.
A Healthy Body
Mark Frazee
Romans 12:1-8
Study Outline