“The Way to use Spiritual Gifts” (I Cor. 13)
This is in the middle of a discussion about spiritual gifts.
1. The necessity of love (vs. 1-3). He maximizes the use of outwardly impressive gifts.
a) Abilities: “if/speak/tongues”- the gift of speaking in human or angelic languages which one otherwise
did not know was prized & flashed in the Corinthian services. “but do not have God’s kind of love”-
Ch. 14 use it to edify/build up others (14:4,5). “I have become (pf.) noisy brass gong (Corinth was
famous for its brass) or a clanging cymbal”- such noises does not help anyone but gets on your nerves.
b) Attainments: “If/gift/prophecy” to the extent that I know all mysteries & have complete knowledge
(God-like knowledge). “If all faith/mountains (huge obstacles, Matt. 21:21). Without God’s kind of
love, I am nothing, of no account.
c) Sacrifices: If I give all my possessions to feed the poor or surrender my body (to martyrdom) to boast
(mss. favor, when rewards are given out). Without love, there is no profit or benefit from such extreme
2. The qualities of love (vs. 4-7)
a) 2 + qualities: “patient & kind” Fee- love’s necessary passive and active response towards others. This
is how God treats us (Romans 2:4).
b) 8 – qualities: jealous- bad kind of zeal for yourself & your group; does not outwardly brag/boast; have
inward puffed-up arrogance; does not act unbecomingly/disgracefully/dishonorably; not self-seeking
after your own rights, pleasures, gains, goals; not provoked/irritable/easily angered; does not take into
account a wrong suffered (ESV resentful/ NIV keeps no record of wrongs); does not rejoice in
unrighteousness/injustice/wrong doing (even with an enemy); but rejoices with the truth.
c) 4 + qualities with “always” (vs. 7, 1st & 4th – present, 2nd & 3rd – future looking): bears- covers OR
bears OR cover by bearing with them; believes & hopes- likely in what God can do in them & with the
situation; endures/perseveres in the straining situation
3. The superiority of love (vs. 8-13)
a) “Love never fails/falls”- comes to an end. Ties together what goes before & after.
b) Gifts of prophecy & knowledge will be done away with & tongues will cease. Verse 10,12 imply this
will happen with the perfection/full maturity which will come with the 2nd Coming of Christ. The
impact of these gifts, although beneficial, are only partial compared with the full knowledge that will
come when we see Him. Our questions will be answered.
c) The contrast between now & then is developed with two metaphors. The immaturity of childhood is
contrasted with the full maturity of an adult. Our present speaking, thinking & reasoning has
substance, but is not even close to our speaking, thinking & reasoning when Christ returns & perfects
His people.
d) The second metaphor contrasts seeing in a mirror with seeing face to face. Corinth made polished
metal mirrors. They gave an accurate but limited reflection compared to seeing something directly
with your eyes. These gifts reveal God, but are dim by comparison with our knowledge and experience
of Him when He returns.
e) The temporary triad of “prophecy, tongues, knowledge” are not as significant as the permanent triad of
“faith, hope & love.” These three remain and of the three love is the greatest. Faith will become sight,
our hope will be fulfilled, but God’s love will continue as we express it back to Him and to others.
The Best Way to Use Spiritual Gifts
Mark Frazee
Study Outline